Friday, June 21, 2013

Kampus Teknologi Informasi

Haii para sobat Interclue semuanya..!! Sekarang saya akan menjelaskan mengenai Fakultas Teknologi Informasi di Universitas Budi Luhur Jakarta.

Fakultas Teknologi Informasi di Universitas ini memiliki komitmen tegas untuk menghasilkan tenaga ahli dan profesional dalam bidang informatika dan komputer, yang berbudi luhur, inovasi dan mampu bersaing di pasar global.

Dunia teknologi informasi ini merupakan salah satu faktor yang penting dalam era globalisasi. Harapan yang dapat dicapai oleh setiap lulusan adalah handal dalam penguasaan teknis analitikal berbasis komputer, memiliki keahlian dalam membangun aplikasi-aplikasi perangkat lunak dengan dasar ilmu komputer, jaringan komputer internet maupun intranet, hingga mampu mengikuti perkembangan teknologi informasi.

Perguruan Tinggi di Jakarta

Haii para sobat Interclue blogger..!!
Kali ini saya akan memberikan informasi penting nih, untuk kalian-kalian yang baru lulus dari SMA maupun SMK yang baru lulus dan ingin melanjutkan study ke Perguruan Tinggi di Jakarta. Ada satu universitas yang saya banggakan sejak dulu sobat Interclue, namanya Universitas Budi Luhur Jakarta. Di Kampus ini sobat Interclue dijamin menanamkan ilmu yang melimpah sekaligus sopan santun dalam kehidupan sobat Interclue.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Do you know about AFTER EFFECT TOOLS?

Selection Tool is used to select projects on the screen that you can do. Usually a large number of these can start to form when you are managing a project. You can move files around can be seen easily. But there are limitations to this tool. Adobe has come up with two selection tools that will solve the problem of space.

Do you know about ILUSTRATOR TOOLS?

Selection Tool is used to select projects on the screen that you can do. Usually a large number of these can start to form when you are managing a project. You can move files around can be seen easily. But there are limitations to this tool. Adobe has come up with two selection tools that will solve the problem of space.

The Lasso Tool is the next feature in Adobe Illustrator a long list of features extraordinary. Lasso Tool allows you to select objects Cd tutorial with images around them. You do not need to complete the connection all the way around the object. Adobe Illustrator will make an educated guess about what you think if you do not finish. Sometimes this is a better way than using other tools to select objects.

Do you know about Toolbox Corel DRAW?

Toolbox in CorelDRAW can be defined as a tool that contains tools that serve to create and modify objects. Some of the tools in the Toolbox by default visible, but some tools are not visible. To bring out the hidden tool we have to click on the little arrow that is the bottom right corner tool that looks, by clicking the little arrow will be open or appear flyout containing the hidden tools. Open flyout will display a set of tools of CorelDraw related to an open toolbox, a small arrow in the lower right corner indicates the toolbox flyout on the key.

The functions and to use of the existing tools in the toolbox....


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